Saturday, January 12, 2013

Statement: The Deputy Presidential Spokesperson on the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012


From the Website of GPH - Philippine Government

Statement: The Deputy Presidential Spokesperson on the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012

Statement of Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte: On the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
[December 29, 2012]

Today, Republic Act No. 10354, or the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, has been published online in the Official Gazette, after being signed by President Aquino on December 21, 2012. The law will take effect 15 days after its publication in at least two newspapers of general circulation.

The passage into law of the Responsible Parenthood Act closes a highly divisive chapter of our history—a chapter borne of the convictions of those who argued for, or against this Act, whether in the legislative branch or in civil society. At the same time, it opens the possibility of cooperation and reconciliation among different sectors in society: engagement and dialogue characterized not by animosity, but by our collective desire to better the welfare of the Filipino people.

This is the mark of a true democracy: one in which debate that spans all levels of society is spurred by deeply-held beliefs and values, enriching and elevating public discourse, as we all work together to find ways to improve the lives of our fellow citizens.

GPH Website




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